Friday, June 22, 2012


Find information on Satanism at Aleister

Welcome to the Satanism and Satanic Magic website of Magus Aleister Nacht. Our Satanic theology is quite simple; We know Satan exists as an anthropomorphic being and we worship Him in all we do! We invite Satan and the Demons of the abyss to join our rituals and they manifest themselves during magical workings of our groups, increasing our magical energy. If you have been searching for answers, you will find them in Satanism. Feel free to join our mailing list to receive special offers and information. If you are seeking all things Satanic, you have found the right place. May Satan richly bless you!

Aleister Nacht is a Satanic Magus and leader of a regional coven comprising of numerous groups. His books have found favor with a multitude of searchers crossing all demographic and geographic boundaries. He is also the spiritual and technical adviser for the "Gods of the New Church"; an international Satanic group that meets in a virtual sanctum created in cyberspace.

Aleister Nacht's Satanic Audio Blog is free on iTunes. Subscribe today and stay informed on Satanic issues and news.

Aleister Nacht's books on Satanism have connected with the emerging multitude that refuses believe the lies of the religious establishment. He offers searchers an alternative based upon truth and reason instead of hypocritical lies. His electronic and hard-copy books are distributed world-wide. Recently, he was approached by an independent producer / director interested in making a documentary entitled "The Resurrection Next Door" that will explore modern Satanism and its increasing popularity.

Especially For You - A Message From Magus Aleister Nacht

"Dear Reader,

I have been waiting for you to take the first steps in your journey to enlightenment and knowledge. I know you may be apprehensive and unsure as to what path you should follow; it is perfectly natural to feel that way. The important thing is you are brave enough to take the "first step". Our world is full of magic and Satanism offers you opportunities that no others will be offered. Satanism is based upon truth and the free exchange of factual information, instead of lies and fear as used by established religions. Satan wants you to know the truth and I will guide you to the truth if you simply accept the offer. Satanism is an open and HONEST path that leads each follower to their own version of satisfaction, self-fulfillment and happiness.

Satan and demons are real. You have a demonic spirit willing to protect you and ensure you know the truth about all matters in your life. To turn your "Demonic Guide" away, is to choose the world of big business religions where madmen shout lies from pulpits, churches, synagogues and temples around the world. They do not want you to know the truth!! If you believe their lies, they will take your soul, body, money, mind and freedom and replace it with a "sheep-like" mentality demanding total allegiance and unquestioning loyalty to their lies and "selfish, greedy, monetary" causes.

Satan desires you to have a good life. He is more than capable of providing all your needs and wishes without any feelings of guilt or indebtedness from you. He has prepared a table for your cognitive feasting and if you accept His invitation, you will know and feel you are special to HIS purposes. He will share all wisdom and you will know all things for which those souls of the past have given all. HE fully accepts you with all your imperfections because you are a human and HE does not judge you. Do as thou will shall be the whole of the law.

Join us and take the first step to change your life forever. Hail Satan and Satanic Blessings for you and those dear to you. Magus Aleister Nacht