Monday, April 8, 2013

Learn Satanism with Magus Aleister Nacht

Satanic Classes with Magus Aleister Nacht

I have plans for a personal virtual three (3) week guided study using the Book of Satanic Magic as the reference book. This guided study will be conducted on Friday nights (2 hours per night) in my Satanic Forum and Chatroom. Don't wait; join the Forum today. You will also need a copy of the Book of Satanic Magic (hardcopy or digital), as we will reference Part II - Rituals and Spells during the classes. I will publish the dates and times in the Satanic Forum. This will allow everyone to ask questions and interact with other Satanists. I believe it will be a great opportunity for all of us!!

Your Satanic "To-Do" List

In order to prepare for the training class, you will need to follow the instructions below. Let's begin our study with some basics......following directions.

1. You will need to join my Satanic Forum. CLICK HERE I will publish the dates and times in the forum.

2. You will need a hardcopy or digital copy of the Book of Satanic Magic. We will use Part II - Rituals and Spells as our reference text and we will refer to certain parts of the text that I ask you to examine and interpret during our classes.




3. You will have some homework assignments as we delve into the work. Your first assignment: Read Part II - Rituals and Spells and be prepared to participate in the classes. If you have questions, write them down as I will answer questions during the classes.

4. The ground rules are simple: Respect each person and the forum itself, so everyone may learn and enjoy the free exchange of ideas with one another. It is my intention that we move toward a Virtual Satanic Coven in the future. Any maladaptive behaviors will result in that person being immediately and permanently banished from the class, forum, blogs and all social media in which I am involved. You can also count on plenty negative energy coming your way.

Ok, so these are the things to put on your to-do list if planning to attend the classes. If you have any questions, let me know.

Aleister Nacht